Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Great Ideas to Start a Travel Agency and Boost up Sales

It was a good that you got an idea to start a travel agency. You really deserve to be complimented for entering a home travel business. If is true for any business, once you plunge into it, you have to put all you efforts and make it a successful venture. The same is true when you start a travel agency.  You should explore the techniques to be persistent and make your business prosper. You can follow simple and quick strategies, which can help to provide you help to start a travel agency. Here are a few beneficial hints for success in home travel business

You need to pursue every inquiry with five direct professional ways for communications:
This secret can be a key to your success and you should star using it when you start a travel agency. It is important to keep the  contacts and sustained relationship with your clients. These are essential requirements and never be taken as any exceptional treatment or effort when you are communicating with your potential customers. If you try to keep contact with the enquirers thought proper communication  a number of times in your travel agency or home travel business, you are also most sure to get the business for booking from that customer. Just one contact is most likely leading to miss that customer. 

Most of the people in travel business make a blunder by not keeping in touch with the persons making inquiries as a principle after they start a travel agency. They lose the business as they leave it to the customer only to get information. They should rather  provide him the maximum information keeping in touch with him by contacting him 5 or seven times, to create interest in him. It is a professional approach in this travel business and you can adopt it when you start a travel agency. You can set a 5 step system for your business and boost your when you start a travel agency. 

You can follow the following steps to start a travel agency and make it a prosperous venture:
Let us assume that the enquirers have been offered a quote at the first instance. 

Step 1:  After offering the quote, you may be thinking that the you have closed the sale and the person will place his order.  But, in fact he may not do booking with you. It is more likely when there are detailed travel itineraries. 

Step 2: Talk again to the person as a courtesy call and find about if he is satisfied with the information provided to him or he needs more clarifications or other options. This practice can be followed from the time you start a travel agency.  
 Step 3: Send him the information through email also about his trip. Here all details can be repeated. He might have missed something while talking to you on phone. 

 Step 4: Shoot a ready-made letter of thanks for his enquiry and offer some discount or alternative options to keep his interest. 

Step 5:  Call your prospective customer again, and enquire him about his thoughts on the offer and their plan. Try to offer him your assistance and make him feel that you are genuinely looking into his interests.  You had made a good contact with him through your rapport and just try to explain him the benefits if he books with you. This can be important step when  you start a travel agency. 

These steps can vary in their sequence. The main point is that these steps are taken using different medium for communicating including mail, email and phone.  Just try to visualize that  you have followed all these different steps as your marketing strategy even when you start a travel agency.  These useful ideas can be put even on a travel blog or you can get some ideas from other travel blogs. There may be some of your competitor, who is not using this professional approach like you when he starts a travel agency to follow it up occasionally, what will happen in his case? Naturally, you have better chances to get the business by following this strategy to communicate more in varied manner. 

Many businesses do not follow some set standard procedure and norms in this travel business. They do not maintain contact with their prospect in a logical manner.  Your sale is only a matter of chance without any follow up. You may hit the target by luck or miss it most expectedly if you are not adopting professionalism.
Now you can understand that the secret to start a travel agency successfully is very easy to follow.  It does not require any rocket science, but needs only a logical thinking to put the simple secret into action  when you start a travel agency. 

You should train your sales people about this scheme and better put in written form when you start  a travel agency so that it can be followed easily by people involved. Your success rates for getting converted quotes to booking will be very high. You can simply implant it and watch the results. 

Brian Jackway is an experienced profession in travel industry. Has at his credit the achievement of training the people in about 150 businesses those have flourished exponentially.

How to create a successful travel blog

A travel blog is something by which you can share your experiences, travels, photos on the internet for others who really want to know. To create a successful travel blog is not an easy task. A popularity or success of a blog is defined by a blog's readership and the quality of its content. Although it is not the only way   to judge the success of a travel blog, but multiple facets.

Effective communication is one of the keys for successful travel blogging. You should try to make it easy for people to contact you.  People should easily find your contact information or contact form in your blog. In this way you can maintain some good relationships with your readers. Always keep in mind readers are interested in knowing you. If you don’t present yourself shine, the success of your blog may be doubtful.
Tips to build a successful travel blog
(1)    Always use your real name: - It is very important to use your real name under your posts of your travel blog. Reason being if you are using some other name under your posts, you are only making it very difficult for other readers to contact or recognize you. Once they find it difficult to contact you, they may not come again at your blog. This could seriously hamper the success of your travel blog.
(2)     Make it easy to contact you: - Always mention your email address or contact number on your travel blog to allow the readers to be in touch with you. In these days lots of social sites like Face Book, Twitter are available on the internet. Just use them to connect with a wider range of internet users. These Social networking sites are the great resources to build a foundation of your blog. You can also use Auto responders for the delay of your responses, when you are traveling. Also don’t forget to mention where you are going in the response.
(3)     Enrich your blog with quality content: - Just write quality and inspirational content on your blog. Your stories and photographs should be easy to relate. Personal stories or experiences are the very good way to attract audience to your blog. A wide range of stories and topics will always attract more readers.
(4)     Keep readers busy with new and consistent content: - Once you have a reasonable number of readers at your blog , you need to keep readers busy with latest and consistent contents.  Whatever you are posting, should be straight to the point, easy to understand and pictures are an easy way to keep people coming back for more.
In short a travel blog is nothing, but to share your travel experiences and memories and photographs with the whole world. Any one can build a successful travel blog by following above tips at his blog.